Dark Web Telegram: The New Cybercrime Hub

In recent years, Telegram has become a new tool for cybercrime. Cybercriminals take advantage of its privacy and encryption features, and the platform is now used to carry out scams and all other types of illegal things like selling drugs and weapons, etc. In this article, we have explained why the normal chatting app has transformed into a dark web telegram.

Is Telegram The New Dark Web?

Telegram is a cloud-based communication platform like Facebook-owned WhatsApp. It was launched by the Durov brothers in 2013 and is primarily focused on security as the demand for more secure messaging tools increased. Recently, Telegram’s popularity has increased, and it has become one of the leading social media platforms. It has attracted millions of users from around the world with its end-to-end encryption, easy-to-use, and privacy features.

However, its rapid growth and popularity have brought it to the spotlight, and it has gained the attention of criminals of the dark web. It is also being labeled as the new Dark Web Telegram because of the large number of illegal and criminal activities being carried out on this mainstream communication platform. Although the platform is misused for illegal purposes, it cannot be said that it is a new dark web.

Telegram has gained popularity for its easy accessibility, user-friendly interface, and high anonymity. But still, it does not offer the same level of security as the Tor browser. The Tor browser’s privacy and anonymity are what make it a hub for criminals, despite the slow speed and complex setup.

Why Cybercriminals Are Using Dark Web Telegram?

Cybercriminals want security and ease of use to carry out their illicit proceedings, and Telegram is the platform that offers exactly that. Telegram has successfully gained the attention of millions of privacy-conscious people. Its features have led cybercriminals to use it for illegal communities.

Anonymity And Encryption

Users can create accounts and channels on Telegram without having to reveal their identity; this acts as a veil of anonymity. anonymity is necessary when using the dark web for illegal activities. Moreover, Telegram’s function of secret chats offers the users end-to-end encryption. The encryption ensures that the messages are not read by any third party and are only accessed by the intended recipient. Additionally, there is an auto-delete function that allows the messages to disappear after a specified time period.

Ease Of Communication

Communication and engaging with other vendors and buyers via Telegram is much more easy and convenient for individuals within criminal networks. Dark Web Telegram also allows for rapid setup and faster spread of information. Whereas a dark web market can take days or a few weeks to do the same task.

Telegram groups and channels are vast, with a group having a capacity of up to 200,000 members, while a channel can have an unlimited amount of participants or subscribers. The app also allows sharing of large files and documents, this feature allows users to share malware, stolen data, and other illegal stuff very easily. Users can also communicate with a large number of people simultaneously via channels and groups.

Globally Accessible

When compared with the dark web, Telegram is much easier to access. It does not require any special browser or technical knowledge and expertise. Alongside that, Telegram is accessible to people all across the globe and allows people to collaborate across the border. The easy and global accessibility of Telegram results in the expanded reach of cybercriminals to carry out their illicit activities.

Challenges In Surveillance

Compared to the dark web markets, monitoring Telegram is much more difficult for law enforcement agencies. Users can very easily create new accounts, have multiple profiles, and can also rename accounts. This allows criminals to have more freedom to get involved in illegal activities without the fear of being exposed or getting caught.

What Are Dark Web Telegram Groups?

Telegram is a popular messaging app that offers groups and channels besides personal conversations like any other platform. Before moving forward, you should understand the difference between telegram groups and channels.

  • Telegram groups are groups that are there in any messaging app. The groups on Telegram can, however, have up to 200,000 members who can exchange messages with one another on all kinds of topics.
  • Telegram channels, on the other hand, allow the admin of the group to broadcast messages to the subscribers of the specific channels. This channel feature enables the admins to send their messages to a large set of people directly.

As Telegram’s ecosystem is growing, cybercrime users can find thousands of different channels and groups dedicated solely to illegal activities. These groups range from selling malware, personal information, drugs, weapons, and stolen cards. There are a lot more illicit activities and frauds happening on the Dark Web Telegram.

Ransomware and Malware Distribution

The most used tactic of cybercriminals on Telegram is that they use Telegram to share links and files that can cause harm to the device of the user when opened. There are dedicated channels that distribute various types of malware, mainly including ransomware, Trojans, and spyware. Along with that, different tools and software for hacking are also available for sale.

Phishing Scams

There are various channels on dark web telegram where a large number of vendors provide phishing pages. They provide fake websites that are exclusively designed to obtain the personal data of users. Additionally, they also provide phishing kits and tools that are required to make such websites and pages.

Selling Of Stolen Data

Telegram channels also serve as a marketplace for the sale of stolen data. This mainly includes personal identities, login credentials, and credit card information, which can be further used for fraud and credential-stuffing attacks.

Sale Of Drugs

Almost every type and kind of drug that is available is offered for sale on the dark web Telegram groups and channels. With the channel admins even advertise dozens of different vendors that sell drugs throughout the cities and the world.

Sale Of Weapons

There are several groups where vendors are selling stolen weapons, providing private detective services, and even advising other fellows and members on how to do spying, murder, and weapon trafficking all across the globe.

The list of illegal things and activities taking place in the newfound dark web telegram is never-ending. As criminal activities continue to expand with the adoption of new methods. It is very hard to track the guilty ones involved, especially with telegram encryption policies.


The simple privacy-concerned messaging app has now transformed into a criminal activity tool. The dark web Telegram allows cybercriminals to carry out illegal activities without any fear. But, along with the criminals, the Telegram has also gained the attention of law agencies, and many suspected groups have also been shut down. However, diminishing illegal business from Telegram is a very difficult task.

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